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I shared in January at The Church that during my 21 days of fasting and prayer, I felt the Lord speak to me that I was to name my fast “the miracle fast”. He stirred in me that I was supposed to fast and pray to see miracles in my life and the lives of others this year. My daily prayer since then has been, “Lord show me your miracles today, let me stand in awe of you today, I want to be amazed by you”. And each day that I have prayed I have seen the miracles of God. I remember the first day I prayed that very prayer. It was during my time of fasting in January and I was praying in my bedroom. Our bedroom window faces east so we get the sunrise in the morning. It had been a cloudy and rainy week in AZ which is a bit unusual for us, the moment I prayed “Lord I want to see your miracles” the clouds split and I saw the sun shine through. Immediately I knew that God had spoken to me. He parted the gloomy sky with His array of sunlight just to remind me that He was there. What a miracle! A few weeks later I prayed again “Lord, show me your miracles today” and I opened the mailbox that day and $200 worth of unexplained checks were in there. Now, I don’t miss a day, I pray every day that prayer, and wait expectantly for whatever God may want to do that day. I firmly believe that whether I realize it or not God does a miracle in my life every single day. I try not to miss them but sometimes my ways get in the way of His. Sometimes I don’t pay attention like I should. Sometimes I get going too fast, this may also be His way of telling me to slow down so I don’t miss what He is doing.

I was having a conversation with a friend and we were talking about season 3 of the show The Chosen. If you don’t know, now you know, so go watch. The Chosen is a show based on the life of Jesus. At the beginning of season 3 Jesus sends out His disciples with His authority to preach the gospel and heal people. It’s an amazing depiction of these ordinary men laying hands on the sick and seeing healing spring forth in Jesus' name. My friend and I were talking about this and we both asked ourselves the same question: How come we don’t see these types of miracles as often as we would like to today? I have several ideas about this that I won’t mention now but I followed that question up with this thought: How many miracles does God do every day that we just don’t pay attention to? Maybe if we started giving Him more praise for the small, everyday miracles, we would see more of the big ones.

I thought about a nature walk. I am not one to commune with God in nature. Don’t ask me to go on a hike with you, that’s a hard pass for me. But I can appreciate those who do. During 2020 I used to walk my daughter around our neighborhood in her stroller every day in the afternoon. It was our way to get out of the house and get some fresh air when we were all locked down at home. We would stroll the same path every day just the two of us. Truthfully, I never really thought about the trees and the flowers that we passed each day. One day I was reading a great book by Gary Thomas “Sacred Pathways”, in the book he talks about the different ways that people connect with God. He made a point in the book that most of the bible was written outdoors and that reading it outdoors may have a profound effect on you. As you read the many references to nature you may be able to connect to the lessons being taught in a deeper way. Additionally, God created every single living thing, of course, He would use them to teach us. In Revelation 1:15 John describes how he saw Jesus “and his voice as the sound of many waters”. Have you ever sat by a rushing river or a waterfall and listened? John says that’s what Jesus’ voice sounds like. Isn’t that amazing, I bet you will never pass up the opportunity to sit by a river again. I hope you hear Him speak to you there. How about in Matthew 6:28-30 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” It was after this verse that I went outside, picked up a flower, and began to marvel at all the intricate colors and details that God had dressed it in. If He put that much detail into one single type of flower how much more detail and care has He put into me? What a miracle!

We all want to see the big miracles, the physical healings, the financial breakthroughs, the prodigal’s returned home. But if what we are looking for is simply miracles we don’t have to look very far. Can God do those big miracles at the snap of His very fingers? Absolutely! But often He is such a good Father that He produces 100 little miracles along the way that add up to the big ones. Why? Because through the process of believing He’s making us stronger, wiser, and more equipped.

I sat in bed one night next to my husband when this very revelation hit me. We had been struggling with something for a while and just didn’t understand why. We were doing everything we knew how to do and still no change. I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me at that moment “I’m making you stronger”. He was making us stronger in our faith, He was teaching us that we didn’t need things to be fixed the way we thought they should be but that He had a better way, He had a better plan. That alone is a miracle. God loves us so much to walk us through the process so we can learn, grow, and be stronger on the other side.

Do I believe that God is able and ready to move in significant ways for big miracles? Yes, I do. I am praying and believing that we will see the undeniable power of God pour out into our churches and cities like the disciples did in their day. But I am also training myself to be more diligent in looking for the miracles in everyday places. To seek His face more than just His hand. Will you join me? Will you stand in awe of God with me at all the little things that He does for us daily? Will you share in the comments a little miracle that you have seen in your life lately?

Love you mucho! – PB

Catch the video blog on Youtube where Pastor Brittany shares about her journey with this topic.

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