Join Pastors Sonny and Brittany for our in-person Planted membership course at The Church. If you’d like to learn more about our culture, get connected in community, or join the Dream Team - it all starts with Planted. Through Planted you will learn what it means to be become a member and enter into the covering of The Church.

Being planted at The Church causes you to maintain a stable lifestyle. A stable lifestyle allows you to
make a godly impact in your communities.
The Pastors and appointed leaders of The Church will help to hold you accountable in your daily walk with Christ. These God-fearing leaders will use His Word as the blueprint to keep your life on track and will encourage you to pursue the Presence of the Holy Spirit in your Daily, Group and Sunday Experiences.
Being planted in the house of God will cause your life to mature, overflow, abound, be strengthened, extend further then you could ever imagine or think. This is not just our will for your life; this is God’s promise to you through His Word.
When you say, “I am a member of The Church”, you have Pastors and Leadership who cover you in prayer daily and watch over you spiritually regularly. We don’t just say, “We are praying for”; know that we are praying WITH you. We are committed to serving those committed to serving God’s House.
You were not saved to sit; you were saved to serve. The Church will help you discover your God-given talents and gifts and help put them to use through many serving opportunities at The Church.
Daily Devotionals are provided throughout the year to help as you dive into your daily Bible reading. Our Podcast, Youtube Channel and other various media platforms enable you to revisit previous sermons for whatever the reason. Group Experience during the week allows you to connect with other members of The Church in a more intimate setting.